Faith Community Church is a nondenominational church located in the MetroWest area of Massachusetts.
We currently gather in two locations, Framingham and Hopkinton, working together to support our communities.
Services consist of live music, a relatable message, and a diverse crowd. Come as you are and experience what we are all about!
Both campuses host Sunday services
Hopkinton Campus: 9am & 10:30am
Framingham Campus: 10:30am
Online: 9am and 10:30am
*For the address of each campus, click below.
Loving radically, living generously, and watching Jesus do the extraordinary.
At the core of everything we do, our commitment to radical love sets us apart. We believe in embracing all individuals just as they are—with open arms and without judgement. This love motivates us to serve, support, and lift each other up in all walks of life.
Generosity is not just about giving; it's about living. We make it our mission to live generously in every interaction, whether it’s with time, energy, or resources.
When we come together in faith, extraordinary things happen. We're a testament to the power of Jesus and the incredible acts that follow when we put our trust in Him. Witnessing miracles, big and small, is part of our journey.
At the core of everything we do, our commitment to radical love sets us apart. We believe in embracing all individuals just as they are—with open arms and without judgement. This love motivates us to serve, support, and lift each other up in all walks of life.
Generosity is not just about giving; it's about living. We make it our mission to live generously in every interaction, whether it’s with time, energy, or resources.
When we come together in faith, extraordinary things happen. We're a testament to the power of Jesus and the incredible acts that follow when we put our trust in Him. Witnessing miracles, big and small, is part of our journey.
We invite you to explore our beliefs and join us in our pursuit of living out our faith in boldness and passion for the Lord Jesus our savior.
We believe that a perfect God exists – always has and always will. He is the Creator of all that we see.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the perfect representation of God: completely human and wholly God. He committed no wrong during His lifetime.
Jesus Christ fulfilled justice for our wrongdoing through His execution on the cross where He willingly received judgment that was rightfully ours. To prove His innocence, God raised Christ from the dead three days after His execution (on what we celebrate as Easter). Christ now lives with God where He assists His church. He has promised to return someday.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third and final representation of God. He empowers us for life and service
We believe that anyone can receive mercy for their wrongdoings by placing their trust in Jesus Christ and surrendering their lives to Him. It’s not a matter of works; it’s all about faith. By trusting in Christ, we are given eternal life.
We believe that the Bible, all sixty-six books, is inspired by God. It directs our beliefs and practices.
We believe that humanity was created by God in His image. We are rational beings accountable for all our choices, born alienated from God, and unable to reconcile that alienation. Subsequently, we make choices to disobey God consistent with our alienation from God. These choices require justice.
We believe that the church is both local and global. It is global in that all Christians of all cultures are joined together in one large church family. It is local in that there are collections of believers who gather together regularly to worship God in their communities and continue the work of Jesus Christ through the aid of the Holy Spirit.
Baptism is an outward display of an inward commitment. At Faith, baptism is a public service where we immerse people into water to metaphorically display the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It is a personal declaration, “I choose to follow Christ in the way He loved God and served people.” It’s also an expression of hope, “My old ways are gone! I live a new life because of what Christ has done for me!” It is a joyous time where people answer affirmatively to Jesus as Lord & Savior of their life and express belief in his resurrection. At Faith Community Church we encourage every person who is a believer to be baptized. It’s an incredible celebration of hope.
The town of Hopkinton started 300 years ago because of one man’s generosity. Learn how it all began with Faith Community Church.
In 2024, FCC celebrated 300 years of God’s faithfulness to and through this church. Click the button below to view a mini-documentary exploring the rich history of how God has been faithful to and through Faith Community Church for 300 years.
We celebrate the beautiful diversity of all people as the creative genius of God. Believing that everyone is marred by sin and separated from God, we understand that the societies we build are embedded with sin and injustice. Jesus Christ came to redeem the world and everyone in it. His vision and work were centered on a new way of life, called the Kingdom of God. It is a way of life marked by love, peace, justice and respect which leads to reconciliation in all relationships (with God and with one another).
The church is supposed to be a community committed to that way of life. We believe that Christ has called us to work together to help every person reach their potential. Everyone in God’s family is equal at the cross and so should be treated as such in the church.